You can have your own web site, with your own URL at an amazingly low price. Write your site using code, WordPress or another service and we’ll make sure it gets up so your visitors can see it. Our easy to use Control Panel (CP) lets you make changes when you want. Most find that they have no problems when setting up their site. Should you need help in getting the basics set up we can put you in touch with one of our independent experts for code or other problems, their charges vary with the complexity of the project.
Use the space for almost anything - event promotion, a special occasion, sales, advertising your imagination is the limit. We do ask that the materials be in good taste, not pornographic or otherwise objectionable. Start a blog to send people to your main site?
All accounts can use:
Email accounts, autoresponders, email forwarding, mailing lists, encryption, SSL and more. Php and MySQL data base software. Visitor metrics (visitors, bandwidth, webalizer, AW stats and more.
Scripts such as WordPress, Joomla, AbanteCart, pH7Builder, ClipBucket, Gallery, and more.^ *
^ Features subject to change and improvement
*Private SSL available at additional cost
That's a lot of features! No site would want to use them all. If you are most familiar with WordPress it is there, just install it from your ControlPanel.
Perhaps you already have a page and want to test out a new product of approach - this provides you an economic way to do so. If you are unhappy with your present Host you could test this and then move your pages (and URL) if we provide better service.
We are looking for people who want the site for 6 months and longer and our billing is usually done quarterly. You can completely change the site at any time. Although you may need to register an appropriate URL, if the one you start with does not fit. (For example if you set up to sell a beach front home as and sell the property than decide to sell those rare palms in your nursery the URL would be better changed to or something similar).
How much did we say? We want to offer this really low so how about $15.00 - $25.00 a month, for a working basic site? Other options are available and costs may rise with complexity.
If you want to use our site maintenance, and have one of our staff update your site on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, twice a year...) one of our Internet Design Specialists will work with you to get the best service for the best price.
What we would really like to do is help a few people who may have never had a web site, or want to try something new and provide the opportunity to them. If you want to get started, or need ore information please send us an email at:
![]() Baby Gators |
![]() Mom & Pop Gator? |
![]() Crocodiles Welcome too |
![]() Crocodiles |
Visit our Rare Fruit Information Site at: Two FEATURED sites we host are: Wildlife Research Team ~ Fine Art and Design ~ |
Email us if you have questions or comments: |
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Hosted on wind powered servers by: Empowering sites and minds through green energy. |
"We go the extra pixel". |